Greta is a sixteen year old from Sweden. In 2018 she went on strike and would sit on the steps on parliament during school hours to protest the Swedish government for not taking radical measures in terms of climate change. According to the New Yorker Greta has actually been diagnosed with both ADHD as well as Autism. She is a fierce new voice for the younger generation and a strong advocate for addressing climate change.
I think this video is worth the watch. Greta has longer speeches a well as TED talks, but this is a short video that sums up who she is and what she stands for. In this speech at the UN, she speaks about the importance of small countries like Sweden to stand up and advocate as they "are never too small to make a difference." One line that I think is very poignant is when she says that in 2078 she would celebrate her 75th birthday and her children will ask about the government. She says that "maybe they will ask why you didn't do anything while there still was time to act. You say you love your children above all else, and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes". This line is so crucial to her speech because not only does it connect climate change to her life and her future family but it shows how the government can save the planet and the future of people by acting now. I enjoyed this speech, and I will continue to follow Greta as she speaks more about climate change as I think she is such an influential person in our society today.